Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Its Christmas Time!!!!

Can you believe that Christmas has come and gone already??? It seems like we wait forever for it to finally get here, then all of a sudden its over. I love the Christmas season (minus the snow). I love the lights, the decorations, even the shopping. I always put up my tree the day after Thanksgiving so the season can last longer. We even had out lights up BEFORE Halloween! So here's a few pictures I managed to take of my holiday...
I got to cookin' like I always do (extra hard this year considering I'm not supposed to eat this yummy stuff anymore). I made yummy pecan tarts, gingerbread cookies, and pretzel/rolo goodies. Then I made gift bags of popcorn with seasonings to give away. It all looked so good, I hope it tasted good too.....

So every year we try to cram as many people into out house as we can. I don't know why we do this and not move to a bigger venue, but whatever. So with everyone in the living room, I try to find people to hand them their gifts. It is pretty crazy!!! Then the wrapping paper fights begin and it becomes a mad house. One thing though...I wouldn't change it for the world. This is my family, I love all the craziness and mayhem!! What would I do if I didn't have this to drive me mad?
Its fun to see people you don't get to see often, but its hard because you don't get to really visit and sit & talk much. I can't believe how large this family has gotten in the past few years. We were missing some people too. I'm just so happy to welcome new people into this wacky family and to get reacquanted with others who've been her awhile. I just don't like the clean-up afterwards. Where are my helper elves when I need them?

So my sister Christy gave everyone a Million-Dollar bill as her gift (they were fake). People got such a kick out of them and Tucker ended up with like $5 million I think. If only......

I'm so thankful for so many things. I have a great family, my health, a home, a job, etc. This Christmas was a great one and I appreciate all that I was given and thank everyone. Christmas has now come and gone, and now we begin a new year. I hope it is full of fun and adventure, and all good things for me & my family. I love you all and wish you a very Merry Holiday and an even better and joyous New Year!!!

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