My dad is the biggest source of strength in my life. I remember being a little girl and perceiving him as this all-powerful, most important, funniest, strongest guy. He took care of my needs and provided for all us kids. He was there to guide me through my growing up years.
I know that I have taken him for granted in the past but I do realize what a blessing he has been to me and my family. If I searched for years & years I would never be able to find someone as hardworking, caring, or funny as him. I have so much respect for him.
My best memories of my dad are the one's where we tease each other. He has always teased me about his beloved Davis Highschool, about sports teams and players, about my driving, etc. I remember when I was little I would always ask him if I could do stuff (when mom always said NO!) He always said YES!
To this day he still teases me about the times when mom and I go shopping. Everytime we come home he asks us, "How much did you spend this time?" and we always say,"You'll never guess how much we SAVED you."
What a great tribute Steph. YOu are a good daughter. :)
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