Sunday, January 18, 2009

We MaKe tHIs LoOk gOOd!!!!

My family and I had an eventful New Year's Eve...if you call stuffing our faces with food and playing board games an eventful night. The great thing about my family is that we can make anything a good time. We played the game "Would you Rather....". The game called for us to hold a pickle under our nose for 2 minutes without touching it. (Sadly we were not creative enough to come up with this idea all on our own.) This was followed by my brother Kelly acting out any name or action we called out. I called out "dance like Tina Turner", which he did with a little too much pleasure. Jamie also let us draw a mustache on his face and wore it for the rest of the game. It was fun had by all I think!!!!


Sarah said...

SwEeT! i love that you have a blog now! See? There is so much to say when you are awesome! So cute. Keep up the good work! Miss you!

cstenney said...

This looks great Steph. I wish I could have been there for that game.